The Herald’s Ali F. Zaidi writes on The Hot Spot just a few months after we opened our first official outlet in Islamabad.
Apologies for using the flag mentioned in the write-up. It was brainless and insensitive to use, and there can be no justification other than ignorance. We apologise if it caused any offence to anyone.
In the early days, we used every bit of what we could lay our hands on from whatever was in our storage. I had the various flags we used prepared as part of the history lessons I had taught for years at my previous job. I shouldn’t have used it at The Hot Spot. I also shouldn’t have had Linda Blair’s picture from The Exorcist in full-on possessed mode for little kids to see. Maybe even the poster of Pink Flamingos proclaiming the film to be filthier than a septic tank was, in retrospect, not the best idea either! We made so many mistakes but hopefully learned from them sooner rather than later.