Verdict ★★★★★★★★★★ 2.9/10 Exorcist 2: The Heretic (1977) Cast: Richard Burton, Linda Blair, Louise Fletcher Director: John Boorman Synopsis: Heady mix of imagery, diabolical demonic dabblings, locusts, and Richard Button chewing up the scenery in one of the most despised films ever produced. “an absolute fiasco…
Verdict ★★★★★★★★★★ 4/10 Mother’s Day (1980) Cast: Tiana Pierce, Nancy Hendrickson, Deborah Luce, Tiana Pierce, Holden McGuire, Martin McCleery, Beatrice Pons Director: Charles Kaufman Synopsis: Splattery, demented misogynistic, gleeful splatter fare. Good, violent 80s splatter indie shocker “a clever and unjustly maligned splatter movie” Splatter…
The Herald on The Hot Spot The Herald’s Ali F. Zaidi writes on The Hot Spot just a few months after we opened our first official outlet in Islamabad. Apologies for using the flag mentioned in the write-up. It was brainless and insensitive to use,…