Wasp Woman, The (1959) Cast: Susan Cabot, Fred Eisley, Barboura Morris, Michael Mark, William Roerick, Leo Gordon, Roger Corman Director: Roger Corman Nutshell: Susan Cabot’s cosmetics firm struggles as she ages, yet she is determined to turn things around, even if she takes some drastic…
Wasp Woman (1995) Cast: Jennifer Ruben, Doug Wert, Maria Ford, Melissa Braselle Director: Jim Wynorski Synopsis: Unbelievably cheesy and tacky remake of Roger Corman’s cult classic. Very bad indeed, it can be enjoyed when in the right frame of mind! Verdict ★★★★★★★★★★ 2/10 Silliness directed…
The Hot Spot Roman Gelato Expedition – July 2023 It isn’t easy to imagine that it’s been nearly a quarter of a century since we started to churn ice cream at home every day. Fortunately or unfortunately, as the case may be, Ice Cream has…